Detection and prevention of plagiarism

Plagiarism manifests in many ways. Amongst them is copy and paste, which is common; especially, from online sources (Jocoy, 2006). Other forms of plagiarizing include poor citation of sources, incorrect formatting, and paraphrasing. All these combined creates a bubble of unoriginal work. To cope with the levels of unoriginal work, teachers have no choice but to look for solutions to curb this unending trend. Use of manual detection is common, but in most cases, it’s only a small percentage that is noticed. However, there are numerous commercially viable software that can be linked with browsers for the detection of plagiarism (Jocoy, 2006). These include (common among many online tutors), and EVE, plagiarisms. Although detection may not be the actual solution to cope with plagiarisms; including instructions in assessments may be a more effective way. Part of the assignments should not be grammar based, to improve on the originality of students. An example should be used, of open tests to gauge students on plagiarism knowledge.

As a future online instructor my efforts to curb plagiarism involves teaching students to appreciate educational intellect, acknowledge contributions from scholars, emphasizing on the development of existing knowledge, and avoiding violation of copyright rules (Jocoy & DiBiase, 2006). Furthermore, I will ensure that I assist students to understand and appreciate the essence of academic integrity so as to facilitate for student morality development. I will do this by giving explicit instructions concerning academic integrity that will help diminish any further cases of plagiarism. Finally, making it mandatory for students to check their content using the plagiarism detection software before submitting their assignments to the lecturer’s website (Jocoy & DiBiase, 2006).

In conclusion, plagerism is a common thing. New software should ensure that uses of synonyms original, yet is quoting a source directly, it shall be detected. Proper communication between the instructor and student should be emphasized in the future to reduce the infraction levels. The measures put across to cope with plagiarism may not be 100% efficient, but they may be helpful in reduction and ensuring originality in papers written (Laureate Education, Inc. 2012).


Jocoy, C., & DiBiase, D. (2006). Plagiarism by adult learners online: A case study in detection

and remediation. International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning, 7(1),   1–15.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Plagiarism and cheating transcript.

Baltimore, MD: Author. Dr. Rena Palloff an Dr. Keith Pratt discuss effective methods for  dealing with plagiarism in distance education.

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  1. Reply to Leola,
    You have nailed down the essence of plagiarizing by offering new perspectives, such as fostering educational intellect, acknowledging contributions of scholars in the chosen field, explaining the development of existing knowledge and appreciating the essence of the academic integrity, of which are essential elements to reduce or eliminate plagiarism the first place. I commend you on such a strategy because online students need to be taught the essentials to produce more knowledge to the existing body of world knowledge free of biases, errors and plagiarism. I thank you for sharing such a great perspective with us. Take care Leola!
    Respectfully Submitted,


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